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GuitarParrot Overview and Help


GuitarParrot creates a random melody from the Level, Scale and Key that you select, and listens for you to imitate what it plays. Start off by getting tuned up on the Sound Check page. When you are ready for your workout, use the menu to go to the Play screen. Begin with the default, lowest Level and 4-note Scale settings first, until you get comfortable.

The microphone icon at the top indicates the listening status on every screen. GuitarParrot is listening when the mic icon is red. The mic is gray when it is not listening, as shown at the top of this page. GuitarParrot does not record or store any input; it listens in real time for notes and disposes of the stream after analysis.

Sound Check - Level:

All knobs rotate by sliding up and down across them. Each level adds 4 notes, or one measure, to the melody. Level 1 is 4 notes long, Level 2 is 8 notes long, and so on. Every melody begins with one note. When you correctly repeat all of the notes, you win the round and a bell sound is heard.

Sound Check - Scale:

This is the heart of the game. Choose the scale type for your workout here. 4-note Scale is the simplest, 5-note is a Pentatonic scale. Major and Minor (full version) scales are 8 notes, while Custom (full version) will allow you to build any scale shape. Begin with the default, 4-note scale, 4-note game and work your way up.

Sound Check - Key:

All keys are here, arranged by the Circle of Fifths.

Sound Check - Tempo:

Tempo is important! Pause for a beat before playing back your notes, and play the notes at the same tempo that you hear them. The Tempo knob adjusts how fast GuitarParrot plays notes, as well as how fast it expects you to play. Based on the Tempo, experiment with staccato or legato playing styles. Staccato works better on the slower Tempo settings.

Sound Check - Octave button:

Press this button to select Low or High octave for your scale.

Sound Check - Pace button:

Pause: The game will Pause after each mistake or win, with a pop-up "Continue?" message, intended for beginners.

GO!:  Removes the pop-up messages. If you miss a note, it counts you in and just keeps going, but will stop if you lose all three guitars. GO! setting allows you to play without needing to touch the phone at all, so you can concentrate on your instrument. Try playing with your eyes closed!

GuitarParrot can be played with the mic using an acoustic guitar or electric guitar through an amp, clean or dirty. Do not add effects to your sound! Echo or chorus will confuse the pitch detection. Neck pickup or dark tones work better than bright settings. Noisy appliances nearby can cause problems when using the mic. You can use interfaces like iRig and even wired earphones with or without a built-in mic. Make external connections before launching GuitarParrot. Bluetooth headsets are not supported.

Play Screen:

The Play screen only becomes available after sound has been detected on the Sound Check page, indicated by a letter briefly appearing in the green tuner window. Check your tuning before going to the Play page! The ♫ button plays the scale that you have selected, to prepare your ears. The note names and fret numbers indicate where you can find these notes on your guitar and warm up. When you are ready to start the workout, press ▶. GuitarParrot gives you a 4-count and then plays the first note to you. Respond by playing the same note on your guitar.

Play Screen Event Sounds:

Ding: You have completed the current game!

Sonar Ping: GuitarParrot didn't hear you.

Beep-Beep-Beep: GuitarParrot hears a wrong note.

"I played the right note, but GuitarParrot fails me!"

Tempo - GuitarParrot is listening at the set tempo. Playing too fast will cause a failure. Raise the tempo if you want to play faster.  

Go back to the Sound Check page and test all the selected notes using the tuner. Make sure you are getting the letter you expect from each note. For example, 4-note scale, key of C, make sure G, A, C, and D are detected by the tuner. If using a direct line in, adjust the guitar volume. Try playing the same note on a different string. Some acoustic instruments have strong overtones that can cause false pitch detection. 

Note Placement:

GuitarParrot shows you ONE location for the selected notes. You may play the same notes in other locations, as long as the octave is the same. You may also bend notes, as long as you hit the right pitch! Your instructor may suggest alternate scale fingerings, feel free to experiment with various scale shapes.

Airplane Mode:

GuitarParrot is interrupted by incoming phone calls and alerts from other apps. Use Airplane Mode and turn off WiFi and BlueTooth when working out with GuitarParrot so you can concentrate with less interruption. Besides, it's impossible to play GuitarParrot and talk or text on the phone! It can't be done!

Privacy Policy:

GuitarParrot requires access to your microphone, therefore it hears everything you do while the app is running, just like any other app that can tune an instrument. GuitarParrot does not record, store or save any of the streaming data that it uses to determine pitch. GuitarParrot does not collect or forward any user data to anybody, nor does it wish to. Any statistical data collected consists of how many times each level of the game has been played and the success/fail results of the gameplay. Sound Check settings are also saved on your device. Collected data and settings are erased by deleting the app. If the app is downloaded and reinstalled, there is no data retained from the previous installation, including stats. For your safety, to prevent a malicious app from possibly using the open mic stream while GuitarParrot is running, please fully close the app by wiping it out of the background screen when it is not in use. If GuitarParrot is discovered to be mishandling user data in any way, please contact support at this website so that corrective actions can be taken.